
Donnerstag, 15. Februar 2018

The enemy

In a world, where political leaders become more and more dictators, and preach hate and destruction, we are constantly confrontated with hate and people who tell us who aour enemies are, and how to destruct them.

The idea, to repeat those words until others start to believe them, is already old. The problem, with a free internet is, that people can post a lot without that the things are moderated. What also means that it gest pretty hard to see the different between reality and the war propaganda.

Disagreement and fear are the excuses why countries encourage weapon production, and what is a production when there are no customers for it.
When your country has a twisted fundamental right for posessing weapons, then you can not be surprised when those weapons are used as well.

Guns, in any form, are made to kill, and not to defend!   When you think that that is the way to feel saver, then you are wrong, because not only you will use the weapens, the one yyou disagree with uses it as well. So you both will be the looser, in the end, because you create not a solution, you only eliminate the problem for the moment, until it shows up again.

TV and internet show the access of weapons.  They also show (as long as it is not censored), the things that can happen when you use weapons. War is a thing we are used to.  And when there is a country where in 2 months about 20 shoot outs at school take place, you must seriously ask yourself what you want to do to make that changing again.
If you think promoting hate is the answer, you get a kind of 'kill them all', and give yourself a reason to use violence and weapons.
If you take away the weapons, and force the people to talk with each other, to take their own responsibility, then you save not only lifes, but you also start to return to where it is all about.

Living together - instead of killing eachother
Listen to eachother - instead of hate
Love eachother, because we all live at this planet, and there is no one who really wants a weapon to be shot

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