
Montag, 27. November 2017


What do you expect?

What do you want, if you do something for someone?
Do you want something in return, or do you just want to please the other?

When you, 'just'  want to please the other, the thngs are pretty simple. You succeed, and the other is happy, or you fail, and the other is not happy. Most likely you will get rewarded with a happy face, and that, while you were not expecting that.

When you do something to get something in return, the reactions can be a bit more complicated. Maybe the other does not want to give you something in return, or maybe (s)he gives you something in return what disappoints you.

When you have build up somethnig, together with someone else, who often called you 'friend', you get to know each other better.  If you observe the other well, you not need to be surpised with his attitude.
When you have seen the reaction of the other in situations, you can form an image of what might be expecting you, sooner or later.

When you have seen, that the other never has the guts to complete or end a situation, you should not be surprised when similar happens to you, sooner or later.
When the other is too cowardly to tell exactly what (s)he thinks, you can not expect that (s)he all the sudden is honest and open to you, at the moment that (s)he has to be.

So, it should not surprise me, at the moment that I am 'served off', that it is going in silence. And that I only notice it coincidentically,  what (s)he did.
And even when it does not surprise me, it hurts a bit. Because I, me myself, do not use the word friendship easy.
For me the word friendship means, that you can be open in telling the other things, good and bad.
When you not have the guts to tell me what is going on, it will not be a surprise.

That is the moment that I will cut trhrough the lines for you.
You can not do it, appearantly.  And I will do it, so that I can close the chapter, and open the door for new, different challenges.
And if we meet (it will happen), I can look streight into your eyes, without needing to run away.  I think I nnow you well enough, to know how you will react when it is that far.

Sonntag, 19. November 2017

You are a true fan when ...

You are a true (queen) fan, when you respect  the will of your idols and their friends.

I had to think about that, when I read the article below,. All Queen fans are aware of the place where Freddie lived, in London, and many of them paid that place a visit. It is a wonderful place to be, and to remember our beloved Freddie.

I was there a few times as well. It is a fantastic house, huge, in summer you can hear the fountains in the ponds and, over the high wall, you can see the roof of the house where Freddie lived so many years.
A place to get silent, to remember all what our Idol meant, and still means for us.

Through the years, the  high wall around the place has become a 'cult' place for many Queen fans.
It started with a few beautiful wall arts, and soon people started to scribble things at the wall.
Now the ownder (Freddies ex girflfriend) did not like that and took several measures so that the people could not write so easy at the wall anymore.

You should think that people got the message, but no.  People invented new techniques to be able to write at the wall again, against the will of the people who live there.

Why are people doing this? What does it mean for you, to write things at a wall (ruining it, in fact), in the knowledge that it will be gone soon again and is unwanted?
I brought flowers with me, and a card. Got (of course) a photo at the green door, and that's it. We listened to the birds, to the water, the sound of the area,  and our thoughts were with Freddie.

I feel sometimes very ashamed for my fellow queen fans, who do only want to do their own thing, and who are blind for the wishes of others.  Most likely Freddie should not have liked this kind of things to happen either. And they should not, they are useless, cost a lot of money and a lot of frustration.

It remains a huge mystery to me, why (queen) fans need to ruin the property of other people!

Donnerstag, 2. November 2017

Thoughts of the world

When something bad happens, and the child tells that it is not his fault, but of his brother, what do you do as parent?

Do you believe him, because when you disagree with him, he will be whining and angry?
Or do you teach him that we are all responsible?

When a person get hurted by a car, that drives through the red light,  who is then responsible?
Some people will say the person of traffic light company.  Or maybe it is the programmer of the light?  Did de technolocy in the car fail to detect?
Did the victim violate the rules, while he did not take enough care for eventually traffic through right?

Should we hunt the inventors of the colours red, orange and green?

No matter what.  We were not there, we are not guilty.  And we can point to any other, to say that they are the bad ones.

The ones who use those powers should realize that their judgement,  might have longer and stronger effect at the ones who are involved.  Who is treaten bad,  and punished without being guilty, will not easily forget. And for all, they will not give the 'parent with power'  the respect that they want to get.

Be honest.
Take the consequences

It is not important who did do the thing. It is important how to handle it, so be better prepared for next icidendt. Because it will come, sooner or later.