
Montag, 29. Mai 2017


Today I realized again how things have changed in our world.

An innocent joke almost escalated to a nasty discussion. 

A spontaneous reaction of me, almost resulted in a big word fight.   
And, as the cherry on top, one of my friends needed to delete my comment, to 'protect'  me for nasty comments of his friends.   Wow.

The people who spread hate, the people who promote that we need to fight, are at the winning hand. The gap is digged, it appearantly is almost impossible to write, or say, what we think, without that others might react furiously on it.


Not in my name. NEVER!   I love to say what I feel, and if someone has problems with my humour, then we can talk about it. And I will appologize if I am rude or nasty to others (I make an exception for some political leaders, whose names I will not mention here).  I don't want shitstorms, but if people feel like, then give it to me, I am ready to...   

Um, yes, ready for what?  
I am ready. To smile.  

When I disagree with you, that is not meanig that I can not live with you. When you are furious, and I do not see why, I do not need to appologize, but I can promise to do better, next time.  But to be able to be better, it is necessary that you are open, to accept my imperfection as well.  Are you open to accept that others are not perfect, just like you, yourself?

Freitag, 26. Mai 2017


Summertime it is!  

The tempertures will rise to above the 30 Degrees (C) this weekend, it is summer everywhere.  

A lot to say about summer, but I do not want to bore you -yet-  with the too short sirts or shorts, the joys of an overcrowded bus in summer and so more.  
In fact the thing I want to talk about is not 'just' summerly at all.  

I was on my way to work, this morning, enjoying the sun, and then it happened.  My foot was glued at the street. I pulled out my shoe and below it some beautiful lines appeared, the connection between the plaque at the street and the plaque at my shoo.   Dreckly!

People are not thinking, when they throw their stuff in the street, and chewing gum is even worse then dogs sh.t, because it is almost impossible to get it off your clothes, your shirt, and as well of your shoes.  
What to do, when you have that sticking stuff under your shoe and you must go further?   As good as possible I tried to remove it. It resulted that the tissue I used partially sticked at the stuff under my feet.  Not a good idea, also :)  
I went further, with every step glueing myself at the street again. I had the thought that, after a while, the sticking would be gone.  Wrong again!  Warm as it was, the gum was fluid enoug to accompany me to work, a walk of about 12 minutes.  I felt dirty with every step!

At work, first thing I did was pulling my soes of.  Yes,  of course I was wearing my sandals, the sticky stuff had filled the profile in the sole perfectly.  Sigh.  
Now the cleaning could be done properly. The maical cleaning stuf (benzin?) worked fast and efficient. Drinking my coffee and cleaning my shoe, I decided that I should write a protest blog about it.

People, if you are ready with chewing your gum, just put it in a bin, instead of spitting it on the floor. The little effort you have to to is in no way compareable with the effort and money it needs for OTHERS to clean YOUR dreckly stuff.

Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2017

Stop! In the name of love

I find it so disgusting, when people judge other people about where they come from,. rather then for what they do.
I should love to see people judging others on what they do, and not look to their colour or where they come from. Or their religion.

Look at the people around you, in your country.  How many people are originally coming from other countries then from the country you live in?  What happens when we not tolerate to people, that come, for differrent reasons, to your country?  Why did your ancestors  immigrate to the country that you now live in?

Let's be tolerate to the people that we live with.  As long as we do not want to listen to each other, we will not learn to understand eachother.
Who cares for someone, can not use violence against them.

So yes, I get furious, now and then, when I see people talking like : 'we'  need to defend ourselves, be less tolerant against .... (religion, foreigners, immigrants).   Who are the we?  Do you mean  yourself, then say I.  Hate is not a solution, never. And as long as YOU encourage hate, as long as YOU do not tolerate the people around you, you should not exspect other people to change.  Listen to eachother. Love eachother.

Never tolerate violence, but do not preach it then by yourself in the first place.

Brian May, guitarist from Queen, said it his way.  Watch it. and think about it.

Montag, 22. Mai 2017

Mirror, mirror at the wall

The only way to get a good impression of what you are doing, is listening to the others, and looking at the work that you are doing. 

Do others like it, then you might do something good. 
When others do not like it and put questions on why you are doing something, it does not harm to listen to them and try to do better.

It is ashame that in many cases, the people that need the most help, that are doing the most wrong things, refuse any assistance or help. That is one of the reasons that they destroy a lot, instead of building up. 

And when they get out of their house, visit friends, they forget to look as well. They are excited when the other is friendly and seems to be helpful. They do not see that the help is not to benefit you, but to benefit them. They intend to be friends, but only as far as it serves their own purposes.
You can as well not visit the streets where the people dislike you.  When you do not see it, you can pretend that it is not there.

You left your kitchen at home in an absolute mess, and eat from plates with golden decoration in the house of your friends. Who do not invite you in their kitchen. And if you do not ask them about things, they will not change it.

But, one day you need to return home and deal with your own kitchen again. You will find your kitchen in the same mess as before. 

And there is a big chance that you underestimate the kitchen personnel, who are not happy with what you are doing. Your friends might be far away, when the people in your kitchen tell you they do not want you anymore as being their chief.

Sonntag, 21. Mai 2017

Investing in killing

Can anyone of you explain why someone is immense proud on investing billions of dollars in investments that only lead to killing of many, many people?

Can anyone explain why someone, democratic chosen, is happy for his people that they will in future work on killng machines?

It is clear that not a president is ruling that country, but the weapon industry, on top the Koch Brothers'  imperium.

In times of Hitler, the leading industry in his country was producing weapons. We are definitely in a new world war, and who is not raising his voice against it, is as well guilty for every dead war body. 

Donnerstag, 18. Mai 2017


I read today an article (I forgot where, it was on line, somewhere) about a person who decided to give up the Social Media, including facebook.

Now we hear a lot of people saying so, and only a few really disappear, but most of us return after a shorter or longer time.
Nevertheless, the things this man told were intresting.

The social media 'force'  us to short line message.  A message should fit in about 140 words, else no one will read it.  Replies even so. Consequently there is no place for philosophing and deep discussions. The texts are too long, no one wants to read things, when you can not wrap them in 3 lines, it gets boring and people quit it.

One of the reasons why I like blogging. I am not a man of many words, but the 140 signs at facebook are often not enough. And I not talk about poetry. I talk about my thoutghst about things in the world. The worries for global things, like climate change, violence and lies.  The worries about how unfair it that a few people ALWAYS need to do the dirty work. 

Those things are actually nice to discuss. Even when we disagree (big chance, lol), we can talk and discuss, we not need to be afraid about using all the words we want to use.

I not say to give up the social media, but I will try (again!) to write  more and share my thoughts about what I really care with who I really care.  The only thing I need is some people who do the same. We will have no time for social media, anymore, but we will feel social like long ago :)

Dienstag, 16. Mai 2017

Chaos rules

When you are not very much beloved for what you do, you have several posibilities to improve your situation.
One is to look at yourself and find your good points, eventually with help from others, who can put you at the right trace (again)

Another possibility is to create as much chaos as you can, above what one can imagine.
And when the chaos is so big, that no one knows anymore what to do, then you stand up and say, it is time to clean it up, and I am going to do that for you. 
Because no one has any idea anymore where to start, and what to do, you have the chance to put up your rules to the rest.  The people will be grateful for you, to stop the chaos. The chaos you created by yourself.
And that way you can realize horrible things,  that you never even could consider to make them happen, in the time before, when everything was organized, safe and when we knew where we stood.

Samstag, 13. Mai 2017

Cyber attacds

It happened again, last night.

Tne news told that 'hackers'  did attack world wide a lot of organisations, a lot of companies are victim, a lot of public systems as well.  The hackers  used a virus and infected in no time a lot of very esseental systems.

It makes me think again.
We live in the digital age.  Nothing can be done without computers. No matter if you want to pay a bill, buy food, open a door, drive, use the train. Everything is controlled by computer systems.  I read about it before, how many attacks power companies get, daily, and how much effort is needed to get the systems all working.  Imagine what happens when a virus finds its way in electricity centrals, nuclear systems, war systems. Recently a virus pulled down the computer systems in some hospitals here in our city. It costed weeks to get them all working again.  That is the reality, and we not want to hear about that, and not to think about it either.

We are balancing at a very thin line, and attacks like past night prove how fast the world can be disturbed.

And that I am not the only one who thnks about it, this rticle was given my attention by a FaceBook Friend.  Intresting to read. And I think we alll can cross our fingers and wish and hope tht the worst case scenario will never come reality.

Here is the intresting blog about cyber attacsk, click at the coloured text to read.
Credits go to Nadina RC , thank you that I can use your words.

Don't let yourself being tugged asleep, when people tell you that the security is 100 percent safe. There is always a hole in the wall, and a matter of time before someone finds it. Do not spread things of what you not know what it is, do not open unknown files.  I know... We all know it, but still... the chances are there and the time will come, if we are not very, very careful

Freitag, 12. Mai 2017

What you wish is not what you see

Let's talk facebook again.

It happened again today, that there were postings that I should have not liked to see.  
No, I don't talk about politics this time, for exception, but about photos of animals.

Dead animals.

Some people posted the photos of proud people, together witht the by them hunted animals. Giraffe, Lion, Rhinoseros.
As disgusting as the photos I saw of a smaller animal, what was killed in a traffic accident.

Why are people posting this?  
Who do you want to reach with such bloody photographs? 

If you want to 'educate'  the killers, do you really think that they care? Or that they read what you post?
Do you want to protest with those pictures against.. ehm .. against who?

Of course those images are shocking, and people get (very) emotional with it. That is why there are so many people who love to post, and read, about disasters and this kind of dramas. 
However, I do not think that you please anyone with it.

When I see an animal what is killed, my heart cries.  And when your heart cries, do something. 

Support Animal care.  Donate. Volunteer. 
Inform people who might care about the corpses.
Take action. Instead of  sitting behind your computer screen, seeing more people getting shocked and feeling sad. 
 Unless your purpose is to shock and hurt more people.  
Be human for animal life.

Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2017

Warning Virus, and that kind of jazz

Recently my messengers are flooded (again) by warnings from people who tell about persons that spread viruses. Don't add XXX(name), he will set a virus at your computer or telephone and everythng will be deleted.
And then, the most essential part of the chain leteer... PLEASE SHARE with everyone in your list.

Next to the official notes, said about hoaxes (google it), I use my common sense to treat this.  I ignore it and consider such messages as junk, unwanted chain letters, hoaxes.

Why should I add people that I do not know in my messenger or whatsapp?   Why should I add unknown people like Mr XXX  to my lists, share my telephone number with him?
How can someone just 'walk into my phone or computer'  and destroy things?  He needs to send me something first, a program, hidden in a video or picture,  that needs to be installed at my device, before it can get doing some damage.
Do I ever download things from strangers, just because? Thereby, the modern devices have plenty of protection, you will be warned first before things get installed.

Do I think that my friends are less smart then me? Do I need to warn them, for something that (first of all) will never happen?
Who is this Mr XXX actually?  Is it a real person, or a fake?  Or is someone using a name to blacklist someone else?

Just type in the name, or the phone number in your search engine.  See what it tells. The chance is big that you will see many messages about Hoaxes.  Do that, before you spread the Hoax. It will safe a lot of data transfer, and a lot of irritations as well.

Stop the chains.  Don't say that it is better to warn then to become victim, becuse you do not warn for anything at all. You only risk that people get immume, and ignore serious warnings in the end as well.
Don't be responsible for that. Stop spreading Hoaxes and chain letters!

Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2017

Living without you

What is it, in life, that you can not live without?

If you have an answer at that question, is it the same answer as that you should give, say, 20 years ago?

There were times that the refrigerator was high at the list of most essental things. Nowadays we can get almost everything, almost 24/7, so why do we need a fidge?  Why do we need a stove and oven, when we can order everything fresh at the time we want?
Heathing was a 'hot item'  as well, but with the climate change that becomes different as well. We can take an extra blanket, if needed, and yes, I know that in certain areas the winters are colder then before. Still, we not can hide and find warm places, if needed, without heathing.
Transport is already a bit more tricky.  We need it, to get to work, because we need to gain money. When there are train or bus strikes, we get in our cars, when the roads are blocked, we take the train. And if all breaks down, we have no other choice to wait until things are working again.

These examples, and more, show that we are creative and know how to find alternatives, when life essental help falls out.

Yesterday, there was a world wide drop down of WhatsApp.  It reached the news, and from what I read it disturbed a lot of people.  
Because,  what to do when we can not communicate with others?
What to do if we can not write a message?

How many of us have forgotten that there are other ways to communicate?  Not only when you sit at home, at the coucht, but as well when you are at parties?
There is a thing called socialize.  Talking to people, eye in eye. Or at the phone.  that is, if you still have such a thing that is able to make analogue phonecalls and not uses 'WLAN'

How healthy it should be, if you switch off your devices for a few hours? Can you do it?
Yes.. I can!  I can sit in the tram, reading, or just looking outside, without needing to check my smarphone for messages.

I must stop writing now, I have to check my mail. there are 300 FaceBook messages waiting for me, and I don't want my friends  to get angry at me that I did not respond within a minute.